€120 In Person or Online

What is Shamanism

Shamanism is an ancient tradition, a practice, a way of living and healing that is in harmony and balance with the natural world, with a deep respect for all life, our fellow animals, planet and one another, acknowledging that we are all connected and that all life benefits from our actions.

It is an ancient strategy for contacting and utilising hidden reality or non-ordinary reality to acquire knowledge, healing for oneself and others and problem solving


Shamanic practice is rooted in the belief that everything has an underlying energy, and sometimes healing work needs to be done to return the energy to equilibrium when it is out of balance.

It is a pathway moving us toward wholeness, living our unique expression and living in a healthy, harmonious, respectful and truthful manner.

With nature at the very heart of Shamanism, and a powerful teacher, we are guided by the natural rhythms, flow and seasons of life.

Cause of Illness, Disease & Imbalance

From a shamanic perspective, the onset and development of all illness, disease and imbalance, mental, physical or spiritual, are understood to be energetic, emotional or ancestral at their core, arising from three main areas: 

  • Power Loss
  • Spiritual Intrusion / Energetic Interference
  • Soul Loss

The Role of Shamanic Practitioner

As Shamanic Practitioners, we are interested primarily with what goes on below the surface of life, the reasons certain situations occur in our lives, why we behave as we do and the nature of our creation and the deeper existential questions of why and the how we came to be.

We act as intermediaries between the human world and the spirit worlds, to treat ailments and illness by mending and tending to the soul of our clients, alleviating traumas, issues and challenges by restoring balance and wholeness to their physical, mental and spiritual bodies using techniques such as:  

  • Drumming
  • Rattling
  • Chanting
  • Sound Healing
  • Smudging
  • Hands on Healing

What a Shamanic Healing can help you with

  • Restore of your energy, your life force, your essence to wholeness
  • Remove repetitive blockages & obstacles in your life
  • Remove energetic blockages from your body
  • Retrieve of your personal power
  • Heal ancestral wounding & patterns that have run for generations in the family
  • Heal family of origin wounding & discordant patterns
  • Re-pattern destructive behaviours, thoughts, patterns, blocks & obstacles
  • Cut & release negative ties & attachments to people & situations
  • Express & release the strong emotions of fear, grief & anger
  • Increase your joy & vitality for life
  • Feel more present in the here & now
  • Feel more centred & grounded in your body
  • Feel empowered to handle life’s challenges
  • Feel greater clarity to direct your life & make decisions
  • Feel a sense of peace & calm
  • Support Ascension Symptoms

Karen studied at The Irish Centre for Shamanic Studies - Shamanism Ireland / The Irish Centre for Shamanic and Transpersonal Studies - The Transpersonal Institute - Shamanism Ireland

Shamanic Healing is not suitable

Shamanic counselling is NOT suitable for those who are suffering with severe mental health issues, including amongst others:

  • Schizophrenia
  • Psychosis
  • Bi-polar
  • Narcissism
  • etc.  

It is NOT suitable for those being medicated for mental health issues.

€450 for 3 hours

What is Space Clearing

Space clearing or Space Cleansing is the art of clearing and revitalizing stagnant energies in buildings using techniques designed to change the energetic frequency and quality of an environment, to address any imbalances, and prepare the space for the purpose required.


  • To prepare a home for occupation
  • To clear the energy of builders
  • To clear the energy of the previous owner
  • To prepare a site for a new build
  • To rejuvenate and regenerate the energies of a space exhausted by use, stress or distress
  • To shift the energies of a space for a new or alternative purpose
  • To dissipate malaise, disease, unwanted spirits, or other detrimental forces
  • To maintain optimal energetic conditions for abundance, joy, happiness and wellbeing for its occupants

When is Space Clearing Recommended

Clearings should be performed whenever a negative event has occurred, that may affect the quality of the space e.g.

  • Sickness
  • Misfortune
  • Financial Loss
  • Divorce
  • Redundancy
  • Death
  • Accidents
  • Arguments
  • Burglary

As all spaces gather energy from their surrounds, therefore regular annual or twice-yearly clearings maintain a positive, free flowing & pristine energy to assist all those who dwell and work within the environment for successful, harmonious occupancy.